The German and American-made vaccine will be made available from Wednesday

Dubai has authorised the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, with the government set to begin an «extensive» inoculation campaign from Wednesday.

It is the second vaccine made available in the UAE after the Sinopharm jab was approved for nationwide use last month.

Dubai’s Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management said a «wide and free vaccination campaign against Covid-19 with the Pfizer vaccine» would start immediately.

The Ministry of Health announced the emergency registration of the vaccine in the country late on Tuesday.

The decision was made after tests showed the vaccine to be safe and effective, state news agency Wam reported.

Dr Amin Hussein Al-Amiri, assistant undersecretary for the ministry’s public health policy and licensing sector, said approval was granted after the vaccine met both international and local standards for safe use.

The UAE Fatwa Council issued a ruling allowing vaccines to be used in compliance with Islamic law

«Coronavirus vaccination is classified under preventive medicines for individuals, as recommended by the Islamic faith, particularly in times of pandemic diseases when the healthy happen to be prone to infections due to the high risk of contracting the disease, therefore posing risk to the entire society,» the Council explained.

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