CiQUS addresses challenges in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, New functional Materials and Synthetic Technologies. We consists of 18 research groups that were awarded 11 ERC projects: 1 SyG, 1 AdG, 1 CoG, 4 StG, 4 PoC. CiQUS´ researchers obtained 8 MEUR/year in competitive funds (2019-2021), reaching an average Impact Factor of 8,04 (JCR) during the same period (up to Sep, 21)

The group of Prof. Javier Montenegro is seeking for:

A Postdoctoral associate with strong background in Chemical Biology/Biochemistry/Immunology.

This is an excellent opportunity to join the Montenegro lab and work in a multidisciplinary team in a great challenge for the development of new peptide vectors for nucleic acid immunotherapy. The aim of the project is to identify new peptide and structural motifs to control the membrane translocation nucleic acids (e.g., mRNA) for the development of vaccines against cancer.

See offer:

A Doctoral candidate with background in Organic Chemistry and/or supramolecular and peptide chemistry.
The aim of the project is to develop and investigate new biomolecular scaffolds with supramolecular folding capacities. Alpha helical peptides, coiled coils and self-assembling molecules.

See offer:


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La ACIEAU es una plataforma de networking profesional de científicos e investigadores españoles que trabajan en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Cuenta con más de 60 miembros, incluidos destacados científicos, investigadores y expertos en una amplia gama de áreas de conocimiento: desde Ingeniería, Medio Ambiente, Salud, Veterinaria y Biología, hasta Ciencias Sociales e Inteligencia Artificial. Su propósito es difundir los logros científicos y tecnológicos de los investigadores españoles en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.