Ikerbasque – the Basque Foundation for Science offers 10 permanent positions for researchers willing to develop a long-term scientific career in the Basque Country. This call is open both to stablished researchers as Research Associates, with 8 to 12 years of postdoctoral experience; and senior leading researchers as Research Professors, with longer research experience.

The evaluation committee will only consider the strongest candidates with excellent leadership capabilities and an outstanding research record. Researchers are expected to perform independent research. They should be capable of attracting competitive funding and establishing their own research groups.

Applications from women are especially welcomed.

  • Directed at independent researchers who got their PhD before 2013
  • We are offering 10 permanent contracts in universities or research institutions of the Basque Country
  • Deadline: September 10th

Document: https://calls.ikerbasque.net/images/stories/2021_ikerbasque_permanent_positions_3.pdf

More info at: https://calls.ikerbasque.net


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