We are looking for a proactive, independent, and enthusiastic researcher with experience in synthetic organic chemistry and interest in molecular materials and on-surface synthesis. The research will be performed in the framework of ERC Synergy Grant MolDAM (Molecular Devices by Atom Manipulation).

MolDAM is an interdisciplinary project co-led by the CiQUS PI, Prof. Diego Peña, at the USC, jointly with the specialist in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Dr. Leo Gross at IBM Research (Switzerland) and Prof. Jascha Repp at the Universität Regensburg (Germany). MolDAM aims at building and controlling individual molecules through their manipulation with AFM.

Postdoctoral position

Research topic: Design, synthesis and characterization of large aromatic molecules and nanographenes.
Research Center: CIQUS, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Research Supervisor: Prof. Diego Peña

Starting Date and term: Duration of Contract: 1 year (extendable for three more years).


  • Experience in synthetic organic chemistry and interest in molecular materials and on-surface synthesis

More info: https://www.usc.es/ciqus/es/empleo/postdoctoral-position-supervisor-prof-diego-pena


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