Two fully funded postdoctoral positions in the area of Structural Biology are available at
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Madrid, Spain.
PIs: Mark J. van Raaij, Carmen San Martín
Starting on: June 2023
Contract length: 3 years

Subject: The intelligent design of more efficient adenovirus vectors using structural data.
Tasks: To solve structures of adenovirus particles or adenovirus proteins, alone or in
complex with hosts factors. To analyze structures and design changes in proteins to tailor
more favorable virus host interactions for efficient targeting and gene delivery.
Requested skills:
Position A
: demonstrated experience in protein structure determination.
Additional experience in virus structure, protein crystallography or cryo-electron
microscopy strongly desired.
Position B: demonstrated experience in protein design / protein-protein
interactions. Additional experience in virus structure or protein structure
determination strongly desired.

Requirements for both positions:
Applicants should hold a PhD degree in biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics, protein
chemistry or a related discipline.
Ability to work independently and efficiently as part of a team.
Well organized with attention to detail and excellent record keeping.
Strong communication skills and fluency in written and spoken English.
Enthusiasm, motivation, and capability to learn new methods.
Problem-solving skills.
Ability to work in an international collaborative research setting.
How to apply: please send to a PDF document containing: a cover letter
describing your previous research achievements and motivation to apply; your detailed CV
including a list of publications and explaining your own contribution; contact information for at
least two references (ideally including your PhD supervisor). Please indicate whether you are
applying to Position A or B.

All the info


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