Camel AI is a endeavor focused on revolutionizing the age-old tradition of race camel farming by harnessing the power of technology and innovation. We believe that this project has the potential to make a significant impact on the way we care for and train race camels, and we are inviting universities like yours to join us in this challenge.

Our Vision:

We envision a digital ecosystem that redefines the way race camels are managed, enhancing their well-being, optimizing their performance, and promoting sustainable farming practices.

Technological Solutions:

Our platform integrates cutting-edge technologies, such as biometric wearables, IoT-enabled feeding stations, blockchain-based ownership records, and AI-powered breeding programs. These innovations will not only improve the health, training, and performance of race camels but also promote sustainability and energy efficiency in the industry.

Collaboration Opportunities:

We are actively seeking partners who share our passion for race camels and our commitment to technological advancement. Whether your university specializes in robotics, biometrics, IoT, blockchain, or related fields, we believe that your expertise can play a crucial role in this project’s success.

If your university is interested in exploring collaboration, contributing to research, or partnering with us in any capacity, please express your interest by contacting Dr. Selim Parrilla at


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La ACIEAU es una plataforma de networking profesional de científicos e investigadores españoles que trabajan en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Cuenta con más de 60 miembros, incluidos destacados científicos, investigadores y expertos en una amplia gama de áreas de conocimiento: desde Ingeniería, Medio Ambiente, Salud, Veterinaria y Biología, hasta Ciencias Sociales e Inteligencia Artificial. Su propósito es difundir los logros científicos y tecnológicos de los investigadores españoles en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.