SPE Abu Dhabi Section representatives Amena Al ShehhiKhuloud Al Khlaifi & Emad Al-Shalabi attended the panel discussion on “CCUS and H2 driving COP28: Opportunities and Challenges” event arranged by Canadian Business Council Abu Dhabi, held at Abu Dhabi, UAE on May 2, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

A diverse panel of experts shared their thoughts on the opportunities and challenges faced with CCUS and H2 towards achieving net zero carbon. All the panelists agreed on the need for governments support for technology developments for carbon capture, transport, and utilization/sequestration. Panelists are optimistic with COP28 role in setting carbon price and market, enforcing collaboration between governments and industry representatives, employing clear policies to regulate the application of CCUS and H2 technologies, and following up on parties commitment since COP26. UAE is leading this initiative and will play a vital role in this coming COP28.

Read more at: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/spe-abu-dhabi-section-93b84a20_ccus-h2-cop28-activity-7059506145484226560-8B5W/


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