The University of A Coruña (Spain) has launched 7 grants «María Zambrano», which pursue the attraction of international talent through the funding of the Spanish Ministry of Education.

From CICA, the Advance Scientific Research Center of the University of A Coruña, we encourage you to apply for these grants to have the opportunity of joining one of our research groups.

The grants have the following characteristics:

– The duration of the research contract is 3 years (from 1st of January 2022 to 31st of December 2024). In case of later incorporation, it would start on the 1st of July 2022 and would end on the 30th of June 2024.
– The gross salary is 2943€ (bonus already included). The awarded applicants can ask for up to 3500€ extra for relocation.
– The grantees will be able to give classes at the University (up to 60 hours per academic course).

All applicants should fulfill the following requirements:

– At least 24 months of postdoctoral research experience in a different center from the one where the Ph.D. thesis was performed (the country is irrelevant).
– At the moment of the application, the candidate must be doing research or giving classes at a university or research center outside Spain, and residing in the same country.
– Indicate the research group of interest in the application (the CV of the group will be considered).
– Applications will remain open until 13 August 2021.

For further information visit the official call (the application form is located at the end of the document)

If you need any help, please contact


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